How to Meet Your Business Tax Deadlines On-Time to Avoid Penalties

Deadlines, no matter how tedious they might be, are an important aspect in any and every workplace, especially in businesses. And it becomes even more important to keep your business-related books and sheets up to date regularly to make your tax return easy and smooth. It does not matter if you do this yourself, with the help of your employees, or have outsourced the same. A well-documented and updated profile would save you from any last-minute hassle and would also save time.

There are many tax-related things to keep in mind whilst running a business. At times, all these dates and details can become unwanted cargo and carry the potential to hamper your business significantly. And if you miss any of the details and dates, again, it can lead to multiple failures and penalties. Thus, many people are now turning to accountancy firms and professionals to combat any sort of problems. If you are located in the Manchester area, then you can consider reaching out to Manchester accountants for all your business-related needs.

If you are running a business, and the tax deadlines are something that stresses you out, then you have stumbled on the right page. The following article would try to cover all the important aspects, along with some tips and tricks on how to meet your deadlines on time to avoid penalties:

Why Are Deadlines Important In Business?


Deadlines are of great importance, as it builds the trust of your clients in your firm and holds your reputation. Moreover, it becomes a deciding factor in whether your credit score is okay or not. Credit is important in any business, and the timely payment of any sort of tax becomes essential to be trustworthy in the market. Even to get a loan approved, the loaner would require a trustworthy document which is acceptable to all the stakeholders and is up to date. You would know about this more in the following sections.

1. Know Your Taxes

There is hardly anything in this modern world that is free of any sort of tax. Therefore, it becomes quite important to know that all taxes are subject to and applicable to you before filing for them, to prevent yourself from missing any. These vary from state to state, and country to country. However, the most common taxes that are applicable in almost every part of the world whilst running a business are individual income, property, corporate and sales. These are the four basic pillars of the taxation sector and are used and paid for by all the major and minor corporations and companies around the globe.

There are many additional aspects to these, such as medical claims, VATs for other stuff and equipment, payrolls etc. All these add up to the taxes that your business is liable to pay. Keeping a check on the due dates would also be a good idea, as it would help you keep a record and save you from missing them.

2. Maintain The Expense Book Properly


Keeping all the entries neat and on time would reduce your work significantly. There are many expenses in a business as discussed above, and keeping a good record of them becomes exponentially important. By doing so, at the end of the financial year, you would be left with a neat record that would help you figure out what all things need a tax exclusion, and this would help you save money. There are many schemas under various governments all across the globe which allow users and businessmen to apply for tax exemption. Thus, maintenance becomes key to avoiding penalties and saving some extra money.

3. Outsource Your Accounting

Sometimes, it becomes quite daunting for companies, especially new and small ones, to properly fill the tax return and file the same. They are already overworked and usually lack adequate and eligible staffing. This could pose serious problems and a breach of the law if not dealt with quickly and properly. These companies should either get an adequate accountant that would look after the finances permanently, or they can hire a resource firm by outsourcing.  CZ Consultancy offers a range of accounting and tax services to help you keep up with tax deadlines. Outsourcing of business is done very regularly, even by the biggest companies in the world. Outsourcing would also help them to cut costs and save them from getting legal notice from the tax department.

4. Apply For An Extension


Tax extensions are quite common these days. It is a legal form that you are required to fill up and send to the taxation department of the respective government. They would give you and your firm an additional extension of at least six calendar months. You must have a rough idea of all the expenses and income of the firm before filing for an extension as it usually has a question which revolves around the same issue. Moreover, you would be required to fill up the form online or send in the offline version at your convenience.

You should be receiving something, usually a confirmation from them within a couple of weeks. However, if you still have not heard from them within four weeks, then you might want to follow up and ask for an update. This would give you an extra six months to prepare and file your documents and present them before the department to save yourself and your business from any penalties.


Early preparation for the tax season is useful in every situation and saves time. It also saves you and your firm from any last-minute hassles and delays. You would work even more efficiently if you do not have to worry about tax returns and deadlines. And you can do this only by keeping records and invoices ready and organized from the start. So make sure to follow the steps mentioned above to keep yourself safe.